Genesis Hospital (Genesis Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd.) was established by Dr. Purnendu Roy, General & Laparoscopic Surgeon also Chairman & Managing Director, whose dream was to create a healthcare set-up for the middle class families who cannot afford a high-end corporate or private hospital. His vision and aspiration was to treat patients at an affordable cost also to provide free of cost services to the underprivileged and downtrodden of our society. Thus, started the journey of Genesis (meaning - the formation or the beginning) of a Hospital founded on the 14th February, 2004 with just 30 beds and 4 Operation Theatres.
Dr. Purnendu Roy along with a team of Doctors | Surgeons, started operating patients from all over West Bengal in large numbers at Genesis Hospital, which could be called a second home, soon we had 100% bed occupancy and Genesis started becoming a trusted brand in the field of Healthcare.
We started providing all round services to all patients, patient parties and the mid-income group. From 30 beds, we got the sanction for 100 beds, over the last 2 decades lots have changed in the outlook of how the hospital is operated and patients get the best healthcare facilities at an affordable rate in terms of Surgeries, Treatments or Procedures.
We treat patients as our own and treat them all as part of our family providing them with the best Doctors | Surgeons | Resident Medical Officers who take care of the patients 24x7 into 365 days, year after year with unswerving trust and openness maintaining patient confidentialities.
Recently, we have adopted the concept of providing healthy food to the patients free of cost along with that that the food is calorie quantified which caters to the requirements of the patients Pre and Post Surgeries or even on general dietary options overviewed by the Dieticians and Nutritionist within the hospital along with providing necessary diet charts to the patients.
We are also taking care of the patient parties, they no longer have to search for meals outside the hospital, we are providing them comfort and healthy food which is also calorie quantified at a reasonable cost with the best quality under the supervision of In - house dietitians with Dietary Charts as and when required.
Our patients have trusted us with their lives and we can proudly say, our Doctors | Surgeons have done the best Surgeries, Treatments and Procedures at Genesis Hospital, Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal and the patients and patient parties and the mass at large have gone back home satisfied with our all round services.
Our Facilities:
The hospital has 100 beds with ICU | ITU | NICU having modern ventilators and essential facilities.
AI Monitored Patient Beds are provided to patients to constantly monitor their vitals and other medical parameters.
The hospital has grown in leaps & bounds with its infrastructure, popularity and treated 1,00,000+ In-Patients in the last 19 years and counting.
The hospital has the following departments :
Department of General Surgery
Department of Laparoscopic Surgery
Department of Gastroenterology
Department of Ear, Nose, Throat ( ENT )
Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Department of Hematology
Department of Neo-Natal Unit
Department of Urology
Department of Orthopaedics
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Unit
Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
Department of Cardiology Medicine
Department of General Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Paediatrics
Department of Paediatrics Surgery
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Department of Anaesthesiology
Department of Oncology
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Department of Geriatrics
Out Patient
In Patient
Department of Microbiology
Diagnostic Imaging
The hospital is renowned for all types of Surgeries, Treatments and Procedures with successful teams of Doctors | Surgeons | Technicians | Administrators offering the best services at an affordable cost in this mid-sized hospital for the mid-income group.
The hospital has a thriving OPD which is actively supported by an In-house Pharmacy and Diagnostic facilities covering the following aspects:
Colour Doppler studies.
Blood Tests
Other Diagnostic Procedures
Our main strength and support system are our doctors and professional manpower who make sure of providing a comfortable stay to the patients and comfort to the patient parties while they are at the hospital.
Genesis Hospital is a brand which you can trust on with the best treatment, with full confidence and faith in our doctors, surgeons and administrators, we are here to help you out in your struggle for any kind of medical help.
Reach out to us and feel the difference in our treatments and services. We will give you the human care and concern that each and every patient and their relatives would require. Trust us with you Health, we won't let you down, that is an oath which Dr. Purnendu Roy and his competent team has taken to deliver the best at a reasonable and affordable rate. Avail of the Healthy Food at our Healthy Canteen and Health Cafe within the Hospital.